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entolla.com - Games Played - recent week.

The numbers on this page count two-person Challenge-Room games;
other published totals include Team and Practice Room games.

Counting starts each Monday, with players listed who have played at least 2 games per day on average.

60 Games Played this week Dec 2 - 3
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. spamer 14
2. itch 12
3. littlerabbit 10
4. arne 8
5. blokus301 6
6. drpremium 6
7. lisatuohi 6
8. ddeso 6
Player Games
9. cookie 6
10. eaglemedicine 6
11. oppie 4
12. dossman 4
13. scot 4
14. pent 4
15. goger 4
16. joyeuse 4
Player Games
17. carpeta 2
18. milo 2
19. ruspartizanen 2
20. jgkojak 2
21. geographylists 2
22. miritxito 2
23. immer 2
24. froschi 2

Monthly report

Full year reports
(includes this year -
updated weekly)
Player Games
1. arne 8
2. blokus301 6
3. carpeta 2
4. cookie 6
5. ddeso 6
6. dossman 4
7. drpremium 6
8. eaglemedicine 6
Player Games
9. froschi 2
10. geographylists 2
11. goger 4
12. immer 2
13. itch 12
14. jgkojak 2
15. joyeuse 4
16. lisatuohi 6
Player Games
17. littlerabbit 10
18. milo 2
19. miritxito 2
20. oppie 4
21. pent 4
22. ruspartizanen 2
23. scot 4
24. spamer 14

Monthly report

Full year reports
(includes this year -
updated weekly)

Updated Tue Dec 3 02:01:01 2024 UTC