We do not have any advertisers or associations with any other websites.
We do not share any information with other sites.
Since some of our pages display player ids, these may show up in search engine results or be copied by other sites. We have no control over any of that.
In order to sign up to play, you must provide an email address.
It is recommended that you not use an email address which reflects your full real name, such as john.smith@gmail.com, although you can if you want to.
Some players set up special email address just for use on this site; this is easy to do with free email services such as gmail, yahoo, outlook, etc. or your existing email provider may provide such a service.
An address based on your school or job is not a good one to use, for a couple of reasons. It can reveal information you'd rather not share (such as the school you attend or your employer), and also, if you leave that entity, the email address may lapse at that time.
Email addresses are only used for direct, relevant communication with players, largely in the context of tournaments or for sending new passwords.
We do not send out mass mailings or advertisements at any time - in short, we will not spam you.
Your email address may be given to other players in order for them to contact you and arrange tournament games.
We use cookies to enhance your playing experience, such as remembering your display preferences across login sessions. It is required that you have cookies enabled to play.
All the activity on the site, including chat, is logged, at least temporarily.
Logins and game results are kept permanently.
Other activity, including entry and exit from games, and chat, is only kept for a matter of hours, and overwritten by later activity throughout the day. How quickly that happens depends on the level of activity.
These logs are used primarily for debugging any problems on the site, or checking site performance.
Chat is recorded in an encoded form, not immediately readable without taking the explicit action of decoding it. As a rule, that does not happen except in cases where investigation of player conduct is necessary, and then only to a minimal level as needed to resolve the situation.
Browsers provide certain information automatically to all websites you visit, including ours.
This includes information about your device type, screen size, browser identification, and IP address.
We use this information to help improve the site's functions and performance.