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entolla.com - Games Played - by Year.

The numbers on this page count two-person Challenge-Room games;
other published totals include Team and Practice Room games.

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23047 Games Played in the Year 2024
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. scot 3094
2. drpremium 2585
3. arne 2412
4. dossman 2310
5. norocgogule 2150
6. eaglemedicine 2054
7. blokus301 2000
8. frk34 1875
Player Games
9. itch 1766
10. oppie 1681
11. obligehim 1660
12. spamer 1449
13. cedd 1395
14. cookie 1286
15. lisatuohi 1186
16. ddeso 1163
Player Games
17. littlerabbit 1126
18. tigertew 926
19. greenster 904
20. milo 902
21. immer 892
22. m0 836
23. froschi 810
24. shagua8888 794
Player Games
25. iching 651
26. fiveolla 621
27. miritxito 595
28. fernandnaudin 551
29. goger 528
30. chenmafu88 517
31. warmar 499
32. bloksett 450
Player Games
33. joyeuse 438
34. bears34 434
35. pk88 405
36. vita 351
37. ccc33 286
38. pent 215
39. chytrolina 194
40. bonsai 172
Player Games
41. barryfun 166
42. ruspartizanen 152
43. floodrefugee 128
44. sheriff 119
45. katherinesan 118
46. markb 108
47. franklin 94
48. supermanet 86
49. tdrakce 81
50. infamouswhiteknight 67
Player Games
1. arne 2412
2. barryfun 166
3. bears34 434
4. bloksett 450
5. blokus301 2000
6. bonsai 172
7. ccc33 286
8. cedd 1395
Player Games
9. chenmafu88 517
10. chytrolina 194
11. cookie 1286
12. ddeso 1163
13. dossman 2310
14. drpremium 2585
15. eaglemedicine 2054
16. fernandnaudin 551
Player Games
17. fiveolla 621
18. floodrefugee 128
19. franklin 94
20. frk34 1875
21. froschi 810
22. goger 528
23. greenster 904
24. iching 651
Player Games
25. immer 892
26. infamouswhiteknight 67
27. itch 1766
28. joyeuse 438
29. katherinesan 118
30. lisatuohi 1186
31. littlerabbit 1126
32. m0 836
Player Games
33. markb 108
34. milo 902
35. miritxito 595
36. norocgogule 2150
37. obligehim 1660
38. oppie 1681
39. pent 215
40. pk88 405
Player Games
41. ruspartizanen 152
42. scot 3094
43. shagua8888 794
44. sheriff 119
45. spamer 1449
46. supermanet 86
47. tdrakce 81
48. tigertew 926
49. vita 351
50. warmar 499

Updated Mon Dec 2 05:05:02 2024 UTC


25863 Games Played in the Year 2023
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. scot 3788
2. dossman 2771
3. obligehim 2584
4. arne 2383
5. itch 2283
6. blokus301 2260
7. norocgogule 2068
8. drpremium 2012
9. ddeso 1961
Player Games
10. greenster 1881
11. cedd 1848
12. m0 1819
13. oppie 1687
14. cookie 1475
15. frk34 1459
16. spamer 1398
17. lisatuohi 1259
18. eaglemedicine 1198
Player Games
19. littlerabbit 1162
20. pk88 1105
21. joyeuse 1101
22. immer 1009
23. goger 1001
24. iching 900
25. milo 822
26. tigertew 775
27. froschi 751
Player Games
28. fernandnaudin 678
29. miritxito 571
30. vita 548
31. bears34 447
32. zvonko 427
33. pent 412
34. ruspartizanen 378
35. casa 322
36. fiveolla 314
Player Games
37. warmar 252
38. sheriff 231
39. markb 226
40. piet2311 212
41. tdrakce 206
42. chytrolina 169
43. dukes 143
44. ccc33 104
45. bonsai 90
Player Games
46. cfvcherry 80
47. barryfun 80
48. katherinesan 78
49. petau 78
50. marvelousjes 68
51. olaf 67
52. jeffkontur 64
Player Games
1. arne 2383
2. barryfun 80
3. bears34 447
4. blokus301 2260
5. bonsai 90
6. casa 322
7. ccc33 104
8. cedd 1848
9. cfvcherry 80
Player Games
10. chytrolina 169
11. cookie 1475
12. ddeso 1961
13. dossman 2771
14. drpremium 2012
15. dukes 143
16. eaglemedicine 1198
17. fernandnaudin 678
18. fiveolla 314
Player Games
19. frk34 1459
20. froschi 751
21. goger 1001
22. greenster 1881
23. iching 900
24. immer 1009
25. itch 2283
26. jeffkontur 64
27. joyeuse 1101
Player Games
28. katherinesan 78
29. lisatuohi 1259
30. littlerabbit 1162
31. m0 1819
32. markb 226
33. marvelousjes 68
34. milo 822
35. miritxito 571
36. norocgogule 2068
Player Games
37. obligehim 2584
38. olaf 67
39. oppie 1687
40. pent 412
41. petau 78
42. piet2311 212
43. pk88 1105
44. ruspartizanen 378
45. scot 3788
Player Games
46. sheriff 231
47. spamer 1398
48. tdrakce 206
49. tigertew 775
50. vita 548
51. warmar 252
52. zvonko 427

Updated Mon Jan 1 05:37:01 2024 UTC


26467 Games Played in the Year 2022
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. obligehim 3166
2. itch 3128
3. scot 2971
4. arne 2607
5. norocgogule 2517
6. greenster 2476
7. blokus301 2250
8. dossman 2100
9. frk34 2098
10. oppie 1785
Player Games
11. drpremium 1736
12. cookie 1482
13. spamer 1463
14. ddeso 1386
15. cedd 1315
16. littlerabbit 1256
17. fernandnaudin 1233
18. zvonko 1218
19. immer 1211
20. lisatuohi 1022
Player Games
21. goger 969
22. joyeuse 875
23. iching 744
24. froschi 740
25. toby 705
26. yokai 678
27. espetos 665
28. vita 631
29. miritxito 630
30. eaglemedicine 619
Player Games
31. katherinesan 602
32. tigertew 591
33. bears34 561
34. theinvisibleman 528
35. m0 491
36. sheriff 379
37. supermanet 307
38. bonsai 299
39. fiveolla 286
40. ccc33 251
Player Games
41. markb 225
42. zhuhaifeng 223
43. chytrolina 202
44. carlton 184
45. ruspartizanen 166
46. pent 162
47. yakaha 160
48. casa 140
49. barryfun 122
50. tdrakce 117
Player Games
51. carpeta 102
52. mg68 91
53. zhouwei 85
54. bloksett 66
55. cfvcherry 63
56. fredix 63
57. etienne 60
Player Games
1. arne 2607
2. barryfun 122
3. bears34 561
4. bloksett 66
5. blokus301 2250
6. bonsai 299
7. carlton 184
8. carpeta 102
9. casa 140
10. ccc33 251
Player Games
11. cedd 1315
12. cfvcherry 63
13. chytrolina 202
14. cookie 1482
15. ddeso 1386
16. dossman 2100
17. drpremium 1736
18. eaglemedicine 619
19. espetos 665
20. etienne 60
Player Games
21. fernandnaudin 1233
22. fiveolla 286
23. fredix 63
24. frk34 2098
25. froschi 740
26. goger 969
27. greenster 2476
28. iching 744
29. immer 1211
30. itch 3128
Player Games
31. joyeuse 875
32. katherinesan 602
33. lisatuohi 1022
34. littlerabbit 1256
35. m0 491
36. markb 225
37. mg68 91
38. miritxito 630
39. norocgogule 2517
40. obligehim 3166
Player Games
41. oppie 1785
42. pent 162
43. ruspartizanen 166
44. scot 2971
45. sheriff 379
46. spamer 1463
47. supermanet 307
48. tdrakce 117
49. theinvisibleman 528
50. tigertew 591
Player Games
51. toby 705
52. vita 631
53. yakaha 160
54. yokai 678
55. zhouwei 85
56. zhuhaifeng 223
57. zvonko 1218

Updated Sun Jan 1 05:37:02 2023 UTC


28738 Games Played in the Year 2021
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. scot 3391
2. itch 3349
3. obligehim 2833
4. arne 2554
5. drpremium 2445
6. norocgogule 2294
7. blokus301 2286
8. frk34 1905
9. spamer 1901
10. oppie 1860
11. greenster 1736
Player Games
12. cedd 1659
13. toby 1563
14. eaglemedicine 1561
15. cookie 1559
16. iching 1534
17. ddeso 1346
18. dossman 1329
19. thesunshine 1222
20. joyeuse 1040
21. littlerabbit 1018
22. tigertew 990
Player Games
23. immer 869
24. fernandnaudin 868
25. lisatuohi 835
26. goger 835
27. fiveolla 750
28. miritxito 677
29. espetos 601
30. yakaha 599
31. froschi 592
32. zvonko 573
33. m0 548
Player Games
34. theinvisibleman 537
35. bears34 535
36. vita 531
37. katherinesan 440
38. mentalblock 421
39. chytrolina 349
40. bonsai 310
41. shebinho 307
42. carpeta 300
43. sheriff 298
44. petau 298
Player Games
45. ruspartizanen 287
46. brendoni 269
47. casa 263
48. yokai 252
49. markb 235
50. piet2311 215
51. pent 193
52. fredix 190
53. warmar 181
54. bloksett 139
55. barryfun 125
Player Games
56. kisroka01 94
57. clementine 89
58. liukate7 87
59. guiduf 87
60. blockfab 83
61. captaind911 81
62. zoro99 77
63. rogerlouks41 77
64. olaf 66
Player Games
1. arne 2554
2. barryfun 125
3. bears34 535
4. blockfab 83
5. bloksett 139
6. blokus301 2286
7. bonsai 310
8. brendoni 269
9. captaind911 81
10. carpeta 300
11. casa 263
Player Games
12. cedd 1659
13. chytrolina 349
14. clementine 89
15. cookie 1559
16. ddeso 1346
17. dossman 1329
18. drpremium 2445
19. eaglemedicine 1561
20. espetos 601
21. fernandnaudin 868
22. fiveolla 750
Player Games
23. fredix 190
24. frk34 1905
25. froschi 592
26. goger 835
27. greenster 1736
28. guiduf 87
29. iching 1534
30. immer 869
31. itch 3349
32. joyeuse 1040
33. katherinesan 440
Player Games
34. kisroka01 94
35. lisatuohi 835
36. littlerabbit 1018
37. liukate7 87
38. m0 548
39. markb 235
40. mentalblock 421
41. miritxito 677
42. norocgogule 2294
43. obligehim 2833
44. olaf 66
Player Games
45. oppie 1860
46. pent 193
47. petau 298
48. piet2311 215
49. rogerlouks41 77
50. ruspartizanen 287
51. scot 3391
52. shebinho 307
53. sheriff 298
54. spamer 1901
55. theinvisibleman 537
Player Games
56. thesunshine 1222
57. tigertew 990
58. toby 1563
59. vita 531
60. warmar 181
61. yakaha 599
62. yokai 252
63. zoro99 77
64. zvonko 573

Updated Mon Jan 24 05:05:02 2022 UTC


31147 Games Played in the Year 2020
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. scot 4085
2. obligehim 3361
3. iching 2848
4. blokus301 2727
5. itch 2656
6. arne 2067
7. norocgogule 1965
8. ddeso 1927
9. mentalblock 1903
10. frk34 1876
11. spamer 1871
12. greenster 1840
Player Games
13. oppie 1810
14. littlerabbit 1526
15. dossman 1461
16. tigertew 1457
17. thesunshine 1444
18. casa 1385
19. cookie 1316
20. joyeuse 1288
21. toby 1245
22. m0 1227
23. goger 936
24. lisatuohi 914
Player Games
25. miritxito 785
26. fiveolla 771
27. eaglemedicine 747
28. immer 737
29. fernandnaudin 721
30. sheriff 713
31. theinvisibleman 659
32. vita 648
33. zvonko 628
34. yakaha 575
35. bears34 561
36. bloksett 441
Player Games
37. milo 418
38. drpremium 398
39. fredix 392
40. supermanet 380
41. markb 377
42. bfg1 367
43. sasha4 361
44. guiduf 357
45. zhouwei 344
46. ruspartizanen 320
47. pent 256
48. nicobow 254
Player Games
49. chytrolina 228
50. katherinesan 190
51. petau 183
52. warmar 179
53. brendoni 156
54. ccc33 154
55. cedd 150
56. froschi 147
57. baj123 140
58. lysis 132
59. barryfun 131
60. kisroka01 97
Player Games
61. bonsai 92
62. haristhedoc 87
63. shebinho 84
64. dams 81
65. alea 73
66. b1coleman 65
67. carlton 61
68. grisudrache 61
69. nhoj 60
Player Games
1. alea 73
2. arne 2067
3. b1coleman 65
4. baj123 140
5. barryfun 131
6. bears34 561
7. bfg1 367
8. bloksett 441
9. blokus301 2727
10. bonsai 92
11. brendoni 156
12. carlton 61
Player Games
13. casa 1385
14. ccc33 154
15. cedd 150
16. chytrolina 228
17. cookie 1316
18. dams 81
19. ddeso 1927
20. dossman 1461
21. drpremium 398
22. eaglemedicine 747
23. fernandnaudin 721
24. fiveolla 771
Player Games
25. fredix 392
26. frk34 1876
27. froschi 147
28. goger 936
29. greenster 1840
30. grisudrache 61
31. guiduf 357
32. haristhedoc 87
33. iching 2848
34. immer 737
35. itch 2656
36. joyeuse 1288
Player Games
37. katherinesan 190
38. kisroka01 97
39. lisatuohi 914
40. littlerabbit 1526
41. lysis 132
42. m0 1227
43. markb 377
44. mentalblock 1903
45. milo 418
46. miritxito 785
47. nhoj 60
48. nicobow 254
Player Games
49. norocgogule 1965
50. obligehim 3361
51. oppie 1810
52. pent 256
53. petau 183
54. ruspartizanen 320
55. sasha4 361
56. scot 4085
57. shebinho 84
58. sheriff 713
59. spamer 1871
60. supermanet 380
Player Games
61. theinvisibleman 659
62. thesunshine 1444
63. tigertew 1457
64. toby 1245
65. vita 648
66. warmar 179
67. yakaha 575
68. zhouwei 344
69. zvonko 628

Updated Fri Jan 1 05:06:56 2021 UTC


26622 Games Played in the Year 2019
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. obligehim 3135
2. eaglemedicine 3122
3. scot 2906
4. norocgogule 2695
5. itch 2459
6. iching 2049
7. drpremium 1757
8. greenster 1708
9. oppie 1690
10. tigertew 1672
11. arne 1603
Player Games
12. ddeso 1502
13. blokus301 1449
14. littlerabbit 1429
15. joyeuse 1280
16. spamer 1267
17. mentalblock 991
18. immer 950
19. zvonko 890
20. thesunshine 888
21. vita 875
22. milo 844
Player Games
23. m0 834
24. theinvisibleman 829
25. toby 827
26. frk34 824
27. cookie 811
28. miritxito 761
29. yakaha 659
30. froschi 569
31. goger 552
32. sheriff 547
33. lisatuohi 526
Player Games
34. markb 513
35. bears34 489
36. pinpounette 479
37. blokussssss 464
38. pent 413
39. dossman 369
40. ccc33 366
41. casa 360
42. baj123 355
43. petau 322
44. fredix 276
Player Games
45. rubik87 263
46. axlfox 241
47. crayon 236
48. sir 185
49. mdw 150
50. grisudrache 148
51. bloksett 105
52. exuperantius 94
53. fiveolla 92
54. jgkojak 88
55. chytrolina 77
Player Games
56. bonsai 75
57. guiduf 74
58. alea 70
59. geographylists 69
60. oxfordbrent 69
61. timy 69
62. rogerlouks41 68
63. fernandnaudin 67
64. mikeyosuke 61
Player Games
1. alea 70
2. arne 1603
3. axlfox 241
4. baj123 355
5. bears34 489
6. bloksett 105
7. blokus301 1449
8. blokussssss 464
9. bonsai 75
10. casa 360
11. ccc33 366
Player Games
12. chytrolina 77
13. cookie 811
14. crayon 236
15. ddeso 1502
16. dossman 369
17. drpremium 1757
18. eaglemedicine 3122
19. exuperantius 94
20. fernandnaudin 67
21. fiveolla 92
22. fredix 276
Player Games
23. frk34 824
24. froschi 569
25. geographylists 69
26. goger 552
27. greenster 1708
28. grisudrache 148
29. guiduf 74
30. iching 2049
31. immer 950
32. itch 2459
33. jgkojak 88
Player Games
34. joyeuse 1280
35. lisatuohi 526
36. littlerabbit 1429
37. m0 834
38. markb 513
39. mdw 150
40. mentalblock 991
41. mikeyosuke 61
42. milo 844
43. miritxito 761
44. norocgogule 2695
Player Games
45. obligehim 3135
46. oppie 1690
47. oxfordbrent 69
48. pent 413
49. petau 322
50. pinpounette 479
51. rogerlouks41 68
52. rubik87 263
53. scot 2906
54. sheriff 547
55. sir 185
Player Games
56. spamer 1267
57. theinvisibleman 829
58. thesunshine 888
59. tigertew 1672
60. timy 69
61. toby 827
62. vita 875
63. yakaha 659
64. zvonko 890

Updated Fri Jul 24 00:39:27 2020 UTC


27059 Games Played in the Year 2018
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. norocgogule 4265
2. obligehim 3312
3. scot 3005
4. arne 1915
5. eaglemedicine 1825
6. iching 1779
7. itch 1774
8. ddeso 1694
9. thesunshine 1669
10. drpremium 1601
11. oppie 1513
12. immer 1430
13. tigertew 1239
Player Games
14. littlerabbit 1182
15. greenster 1149
16. fernandnaudin 1149
17. joyeuse 1099
18. spamer 1028
19. blokus301 1017
20. miritxito 977
21. m0 958
22. froschi 886
23. toby 865
24. frk34 865
25. vita 862
26. dossman 848
Player Games
27. blokussssss 726
28. goger 709
29. sheriff 677
30. ccc33 664
31. timy 646
32. cookie 581
33. bears34 569
34. petau 557
35. mentalblock 549
36. lisatuohi 541
37. katherinesan 529
38. pent 517
39. milo 350
Player Games
40. bonsai 327
41. crayon 314
42. noroctim 258
43. markb 236
44. theinvisibleman 216
45. lysis 182
46. guiduf 180
47. panos 172
48. theloser 170
49. pingu11 168
50. fredix 165
51. kisroka01 164
52. cocote 164
Player Games
53. formule1 163
54. fiveolla 154
55. teta 153
56. lizzie97 151
57. rhosgobels 150
58. ladou 140
59. kamran88 121
60. pinpounette 117
61. grisudrache 103
62. chytrolina 89
63. rogerlouks41 83
64. thesurgeon 81
65. dolphinjcn 78
Player Games
66. world 72
67. embrisebois 71
68. artemidus 69
69. robichaud 69
70. patapum 67
71. b1coleman 66
72. pentti79 64
73. sventhijssen 63
74. mikeyosuke 63
75. robertk 62
Player Games
1. arne 1915
2. artemidus 69
3. b1coleman 66
4. bears34 569
5. blokus301 1017
6. blokussssss 726
7. bonsai 327
8. ccc33 664
9. chytrolina 89
10. cocote 164
11. cookie 581
12. crayon 314
13. ddeso 1694
Player Games
14. dolphinjcn 78
15. dossman 848
16. drpremium 1601
17. eaglemedicine 1825
18. embrisebois 71
19. fernandnaudin 1149
20. fiveolla 154
21. formule1 163
22. fredix 165
23. frk34 865
24. froschi 886
25. goger 709
26. greenster 1149
Player Games
27. grisudrache 103
28. guiduf 180
29. iching 1779
30. immer 1430
31. itch 1774
32. joyeuse 1099
33. kamran88 121
34. katherinesan 529
35. kisroka01 164
36. ladou 140
37. lisatuohi 541
38. littlerabbit 1182
39. lizzie97 151
Player Games
40. lysis 182
41. m0 958
42. markb 236
43. mentalblock 549
44. mikeyosuke 63
45. milo 350
46. miritxito 977
47. norocgogule 4265
48. noroctim 258
49. obligehim 3312
50. oppie 1513
51. panos 172
52. patapum 67
Player Games
53. pent 517
54. pentti79 64
55. petau 557
56. pingu11 168
57. pinpounette 117
58. rhosgobels 150
59. robertk 62
60. robichaud 69
61. rogerlouks41 83
62. scot 3005
63. sheriff 677
64. spamer 1028
65. sventhijssen 63
Player Games
66. teta 153
67. theinvisibleman 216
68. theloser 170
69. thesunshine 1669
70. thesurgeon 81
71. tigertew 1239
72. timy 646
73. toby 865
74. vita 862
75. world 72

Updated Fri Jul 24 00:39:28 2020 UTC


31997 Games Played in the Year 2017
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. norocgogule 4629
2. obligehim 3926
3. scot 2952
4. itch 2813
5. dossman 2167
6. ddeso 1957
7. drpremium 1935
8. eaglemedicine 1873
9. arne 1733
10. milo 1647
11. blokus301 1547
12. spamer 1462
13. littlerabbit 1444
Player Games
14. greenster 1380
15. fernandnaudin 1369
16. tigertew 1346
17. iching 1327
18. thesunshine 1309
19. immer 1278
20. vita 1109
21. cookie 1064
22. joyeuse 1049
23. froschi 1015
24. miritxito 990
25. frk34 971
26. toby 958
Player Games
27. oppie 921
28. goger 899
29. pent 874
30. theloser 815
31. pingu11 801
32. ccc33 782
33. timy 771
34. blokussssss 771
35. petau 748
36. lisatuohi 739
37. bears34 541
38. theinvisibleman 504
39. m0 484
Player Games
40. ladou 475
41. maijerma 460
42. zvonko 439
43. lysis 402
44. panos 374
45. kisroka01 372
46. sheriff 358
47. bonsai 327
48. chytrolina 326
49. fredix 250
50. darth8calculus 232
51. artemidus 207
52. sir 200
Player Games
53. patapum 185
54. robertk 154
55. ruspartizanen 151
56. mikeyosuke 149
57. sergeidave 147
58. proms 147
59. knightowl 142
60. zotti 137
61. jgkojak 128
62. guiduf 124
63. infamouswhiteknight 114
64. geographylists 108
65. tree 103
Player Games
66. iplaybad 101
67. rogerlouks41 100
68. casa 97
69. wiganlatics 96
70. pentti79 91
71. barryfun 89
72. markb 84
73. uithumbiz 83
74. dolphinjcn 81
75. philippe 78
76. mamienicole 74
77. crayon 67
78. jocelyne 66
79. teta 61
Player Games
1. arne 1733
2. artemidus 207
3. barryfun 89
4. bears34 541
5. blokus301 1547
6. blokussssss 771
7. bonsai 327
8. casa 97
9. ccc33 782
10. chytrolina 326
11. cookie 1064
12. crayon 67
13. darth8calculus 232
Player Games
14. ddeso 1957
15. dolphinjcn 81
16. dossman 2167
17. drpremium 1935
18. eaglemedicine 1873
19. fernandnaudin 1369
20. fredix 250
21. frk34 971
22. froschi 1015
23. geographylists 108
24. goger 899
25. greenster 1380
26. guiduf 124
Player Games
27. iching 1327
28. immer 1278
29. infamouswhiteknight 114
30. iplaybad 101
31. itch 2813
32. jgkojak 128
33. jocelyne 66
34. joyeuse 1049
35. kisroka01 372
36. knightowl 142
37. ladou 475
38. lisatuohi 739
39. littlerabbit 1444
Player Games
40. lysis 402
41. m0 484
42. maijerma 460
43. mamienicole 74
44. markb 84
45. mikeyosuke 149
46. milo 1647
47. miritxito 990
48. norocgogule 4629
49. obligehim 3926
50. oppie 921
51. panos 374
52. patapum 185
Player Games
53. pent 874
54. pentti79 91
55. petau 748
56. philippe 78
57. pingu11 801
58. proms 147
59. robertk 154
60. rogerlouks41 100
61. ruspartizanen 151
62. scot 2952
63. sergeidave 147
64. sheriff 358
65. sir 200
Player Games
66. spamer 1462
67. teta 61
68. theinvisibleman 504
69. theloser 815
70. thesunshine 1309
71. tigertew 1346
72. timy 771
73. toby 958
74. tree 103
75. uithumbiz 83
76. vita 1109
77. wiganlatics 96
78. zotti 137
79. zvonko 439

Updated Fri Jul 24 00:39:28 2020 UTC


34609 Games Played in the Year 2016
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. norocgogule 4676
2. obligehim 4052
3. scot 2628
4. itch 2418
5. milo 2171
6. dossman 2103
7. iching 2095
8. drpremium 1988
9. mentalblock 1947
10. vita 1808
11. toby 1648
12. joyeuse 1573
13. spamer 1567
14. ddeso 1535
15. arne 1481
Player Games
16. eaglemedicine 1379
17. blokus301 1345
18. tigertew 1307
19. littlerabbit 1201
20. fernandnaudin 1185
21. immer 1175
22. ccc33 1173
23. miritxito 1047
24. frk34 1009
25. goger 995
26. cookie 994
27. froschi 994
28. theloser 969
29. lisatuohi 920
30. greenster 897
Player Games
31. thesunshine 888
32. darth8calculus 829
33. maijerma 768
34. sir 754
35. pent 663
36. theinvisibleman 618
37. petau 600
38. bears34 553
39. sheriff 516
40. zvonko 484
41. timy 472
42. lysis 471
43. barryfun 416
44. panos 371
45. bonsai 354
Player Games
46. mikeyosuke 350
47. infamouswhiteknight 337
48. kisroka01 329
49. fredix 324
50. ladou 311
51. boratsagdiyev 308
52. enigma 300
53. crayon 275
54. zotti 274
55. realgone 267
56. markb 248
57. rogerlouks41 237
58. dolphinjcn 221
59. oppie 197
60. wiganlatics 191
Player Games
61. auntiehuat 183
62. btam 176
63. pingu11 175
64. andyc 170
65. t0m 157
66. ellakai 156
67. espetos 155
68. ciliat23 137
69. chuck 125
70. nidecka 116
71. jgkojak 115
72. grisudrache 111
73. mamienicole 110
74. axlfox 109
75. geographylists 107
Player Games
76. guiduf 105
77. pentti79 97
78. world 91
79. surrender 83
80. appasionato 78
81. fiveolla 74
82. fhayate 74
83. sutton 74
84. kingofblokus 71
85. avocado 66
86. cip123 66
87. patty 65
88. jake123 63
89. miloulou 61
Player Games
1. andyc 170
2. appasionato 78
3. arne 1481
4. auntiehuat 183
5. avocado 66
6. axlfox 109
7. barryfun 416
8. bears34 553
9. blokus301 1345
10. bonsai 354
11. boratsagdiyev 308
12. btam 176
13. ccc33 1173
14. chuck 125
15. ciliat23 137
Player Games
16. cip123 66
17. cookie 994
18. crayon 275
19. darth8calculus 829
20. ddeso 1535
21. dolphinjcn 221
22. dossman 2103
23. drpremium 1988
24. eaglemedicine 1379
25. ellakai 156
26. enigma 300
27. espetos 155
28. fernandnaudin 1185
29. fhayate 74
30. fiveolla 74
Player Games
31. fredix 324
32. frk34 1009
33. froschi 994
34. geographylists 107
35. goger 995
36. greenster 897
37. grisudrache 111
38. guiduf 105
39. iching 2095
40. immer 1175
41. infamouswhiteknight 337
42. itch 2418
43. jake123 63
44. jgkojak 115
45. joyeuse 1573
Player Games
46. kingofblokus 71
47. kisroka01 329
48. ladou 311
49. lisatuohi 920
50. littlerabbit 1201
51. lysis 471
52. maijerma 768
53. mamienicole 110
54. markb 248
55. mentalblock 1947
56. mikeyosuke 350
57. milo 2171
58. miloulou 61
59. miritxito 1047
60. nidecka 116
Player Games
61. norocgogule 4676
62. obligehim 4052
63. oppie 197
64. panos 371
65. patty 65
66. pent 663
67. pentti79 97
68. petau 600
69. pingu11 175
70. realgone 267
71. rogerlouks41 237
72. scot 2628
73. sheriff 516
74. sir 754
75. spamer 1567
Player Games
76. surrender 83
77. sutton 74
78. t0m 157
79. theinvisibleman 618
80. theloser 969
81. thesunshine 888
82. tigertew 1307
83. timy 472
84. toby 1648
85. vita 1808
86. wiganlatics 191
87. world 91
88. zotti 274
89. zvonko 484

Updated Fri Jul 24 00:39:29 2020 UTC


41528 Games Played in the Year 2015
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. obligehim 3701
2. norocgogule 3480
3. bernardmac 3058
4. scot 2864
5. dossman 2430
6. immer 2311
7. frk34 2058
8. toby 1881
9. goger 1798
10. iching 1794
11. arne 1746
12. theloser 1721
13. milo 1654
14. vita 1574
15. spamer 1559
16. joyeuse 1508
17. lisatuohi 1385
18. mentalblock 1374
19. blokus301 1364
Player Games
20. pent 1319
21. littlerabbit 1271
22. eaglemedicine 1217
23. fernandnaudin 1188
24. drpremium 1175
25. greenster 1155
26. froschi 1070
27. tigertew 1063
28. ladou 991
29. khpy1azn 966
30. kisroka01 908
31. ddeso 893
32. itch 824
33. zvonko 760
34. cookie 746
35. infamouswhiteknight 732
36. realgone 729
37. timy 703
38. petau 685
Player Games
39. gsw 657
40. miritxito 651
41. moodles 642
42. kmart 633
43. lysis 619
44. panos 614
45. ruspartizanen 597
46. dolphinjcn 591
47. auntiehuat 572
48. axlfox 571
49. cos123 563
50. bears34 563
51. oost2015 519
52. fredix 464
53. andyc 459
54. sheriff 455
55. theinvisibleman 437
56. crayon 431
57. markb 414
Player Games
58. fiveolla 402
59. chytrolina 388
60. grav0149 378
61. fhayate 367
62. pinpounette 363
63. sir 362
64. cip123 347
65. reddragon 334
66. uithumbiz 334
67. ccc33 328
68. tiko 316
69. grisudrache 279
70. wiganlatics 279
71. appasionato 278
72. bloksett 276
73. bonsai 267
74. ciliat23 251
75. darth8calculus 217
76. carpeta 215
Player Games
77. doctordray 214
78. sutton 214
79. nidecka 214
80. pentti79 209
81. guiduf 209
82. warmar 195
83. rogerlouks41 185
84. zotti 181
85. world 151
86. oppie 145
87. patty 136
88. titleist86 128
89. espetos 121
90. davidc 114
91. leonard 111
92. mamienicole 111
93. happyjack 109
94. b1coleman 107
95. artemidus 105
Player Games
96. ellakai 105
97. bloknl 104
98. sugus 103
99. tavladwr 103
100. rafconso 95
101. trashi 92
102. golden 87
103. barbuyeti 86
104. yookie 84
105. chris24 77
106. soilborn 76
107. deskath90 74
108. newb 71
109. adam529 70
110. mari93 70
111. zefir 68
112. gunterman 67
113. chara 61
114. cassiopee 60
115. cyla 60
Player Games
1. adam529 70
2. andyc 459
3. appasionato 278
4. arne 1746
5. artemidus 105
6. auntiehuat 572
7. axlfox 571
8. b1coleman 107
9. barbuyeti 86
10. bears34 563
11. bernardmac 3058
12. bloknl 104
13. bloksett 276
14. blokus301 1364
15. bonsai 267
16. carpeta 215
17. cassiopee 60
18. ccc33 328
19. chara 61
Player Games
20. chris24 77
21. chytrolina 388
22. ciliat23 251
23. cip123 347
24. cookie 746
25. cos123 563
26. crayon 431
27. cyla 60
28. darth8calculus 217
29. davidc 114
30. ddeso 893
31. deskath90 74
32. doctordray 214
33. dolphinjcn 591
34. dossman 2430
35. drpremium 1175
36. eaglemedicine 1217
37. ellakai 105
38. espetos 121
Player Games
39. fernandnaudin 1188
40. fhayate 367
41. fiveolla 402
42. fredix 464
43. frk34 2058
44. froschi 1070
45. goger 1798
46. golden 87
47. grav0149 378
48. greenster 1155
49. grisudrache 279
50. gsw 657
51. guiduf 209
52. gunterman 67
53. happyjack 109
54. iching 1794
55. immer 2311
56. infamouswhiteknight 732
57. itch 824
Player Games
58. joyeuse 1508
59. khpy1azn 966
60. kisroka01 908
61. kmart 633
62. ladou 991
63. leonard 111
64. lisatuohi 1385
65. littlerabbit 1271
66. lysis 619
67. mamienicole 111
68. mari93 70
69. markb 414
70. mentalblock 1374
71. milo 1654
72. miritxito 651
73. moodles 642
74. newb 71
75. nidecka 214
76. norocgogule 3480
Player Games
77. obligehim 3701
78. oost2015 519
79. oppie 145
80. panos 614
81. patty 136
82. pent 1319
83. pentti79 209
84. petau 685
85. pinpounette 363
86. rafconso 95
87. realgone 729
88. reddragon 334
89. rogerlouks41 185
90. ruspartizanen 597
91. scot 2864
92. sheriff 455
93. sir 362
94. soilborn 76
95. spamer 1559
Player Games
96. sugus 103
97. sutton 214
98. tavladwr 103
99. theinvisibleman 437
100. theloser 1721
101. tigertew 1063
102. tiko 316
103. timy 703
104. titleist86 128
105. toby 1881
106. trashi 92
107. uithumbiz 334
108. vita 1574
109. warmar 195
110. wiganlatics 279
111. world 151
112. yookie 84
113. zefir 68
114. zotti 181
115. zvonko 760

Updated Fri Jul 24 00:39:30 2020 UTC


42641 Games Played in the Year 2014
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. obligehim 2806
2. immer 2726
3. norocgogule 2381
4. arne 1886
5. goger 1711
6. toby 1704
7. joyeuse 1648
8. dossman 1627
9. scot 1564
10. vita 1562
11. frk34 1560
12. littlerabbit 1554
13. milo 1544
14. crayon 1491
15. kmart 1423
16. khpy1azn 1341
17. iching 1336
18. lisatuohi 1327
19. pinpounette 1326
20. blokus301 1311
21. pent 1252
22. bernardmac 1210
23. string 1123
24. moodles 1081
25. eaglemedicine 1078
26. spamer 1033
27. fernandnaudin 883
28. panos 871
Player Games
29. ddeso 845
30. ccc33 832
31. chytrolina 758
32. auntiehuat 751
33. zvonko 735
34. kisroka01 722
35. miritxito 699
36. fhayate 689
37. markb 683
38. woodsy 659
39. mentalblock 601
40. zefir 561
41. bonsai 550
42. froschi 535
43. timy 525
44. sheriff 508
45. bears34 471
46. drpremium 469
47. lysis 455
48. mike703 439
49. floripa 429
50. wreck 425
51. robertk 424
52. wiganlatics 422
53. fredix 408
54. mikeyosuke 395
55. petau 394
56. celaine 384
Player Games
57. noroctim 383
58. tundra 372
59. klataplecybarki 361
60. gsw 354
61. soybean 354
62. ciliat23 350
63. doctordray 350
64. ladou 345
65. bloksett 341
66. theloser 339
67. greenster 338
68. artemidus 334
69. zotti 327
70. tigertew 321
71. derek 318
72. bobbybob 317
73. itch 293
74. dolphinjcn 288
75. appasionato 286
76. sir 284
77. henryrearden 280
78. infamouswhiteknight 276
79. innchanted 272
80. rogerlouks41 255
81. nicobow 254
82. philippe 248
83. b1coleman 242
84. casa 237
Player Games
85. teta 229
86. ellakai 226
87. shadows 226
88. leann 220
89. fransoupian 216
90. andyc 213
91. paf 209
92. grullo 206
93. keysersoze 190
94. pentti79 188
95. grisudrache 187
96. pekannia 186
97. deeveeoss 180
98. rafconso 178
99. theinvisibleman 176
100. tornedo1020 172
101. ruspartizanen 155
102. newengland021 151
103. enigma 151
104. patapum 149
105. dabao 149
106. guiduf 148
107. oppie 145
108. seanseanseanseansean 141
109. kaputafj 140
110. lezgurl 140
111. warmar 139
112. edalcan 129
Player Games
113. martcma123 127
114. mamienicole 120
115. carleton 120
116. dawnswenson 119
117. sugus 118
118. dries 117
119. etienne 114
120. ajlee7 108
121. reza 107
122. reddragon 106
123. alexandre 106
124. penuter 105
125. iivo1 105
126. jennybun 103
127. willblocku 102
128. sonik 101
129. sugar005 100
130. lucvantorre 99
131. axlfox 96
132. kasia 95
133. kamran88 91
134. carlburx 90
135. saroumane 90
136. feliciagorbe 89
137. sergeya 88
138. tomasu 88
139. flubber3 88
140. nidecka 88
Player Games
141. kalinana 85
142. michael24 85
143. world 84
144. alishamarie 84
145. pitcairn1987 84
146. lakhu 79
147. surin 73
148. overture01 71
149. karolinka 71
150. mari93 70
151. nappula 69
152. cos123 67
153. sered28 67
154. lllenale 67
155. shalun 66
156. dummy118 65
157. torio 64
158. bouchard111 64
159. christinaree0918 63
160. monkey13 62
161. jaredthebold 62
162. hanners321 62
163. colibri 62
164. mrdan4 61
165. rocket363 60
166. mugi 60
Player Games
1. ajlee7 108
2. alexandre 106
3. alishamarie 84
4. andyc 213
5. appasionato 286
6. arne 1886
7. artemidus 334
8. auntiehuat 751
9. axlfox 96
10. b1coleman 242
11. bears34 471
12. bernardmac 1210
13. bloksett 341
14. blokus301 1311
15. bobbybob 317
16. bonsai 550
17. bouchard111 64
18. carlburx 90
19. carleton 120
20. casa 237
21. ccc33 832
22. celaine 384
23. christinaree0918 63
24. chytrolina 758
25. ciliat23 350
26. colibri 62
27. cos123 67
28. crayon 1491
Player Games
29. dabao 149
30. dawnswenson 119
31. ddeso 845
32. deeveeoss 180
33. derek 318
34. doctordray 350
35. dolphinjcn 288
36. dossman 1627
37. dries 117
38. drpremium 469
39. dummy118 65
40. eaglemedicine 1078
41. edalcan 129
42. ellakai 226
43. enigma 151
44. etienne 114
45. feliciagorbe 89
46. fernandnaudin 883
47. fhayate 689
48. floripa 429
49. flubber3 88
50. fransoupian 216
51. fredix 408
52. frk34 1560
53. froschi 535
54. goger 1711
55. greenster 338
56. grisudrache 187
Player Games
57. grullo 206
58. gsw 354
59. guiduf 148
60. hanners321 62
61. henryrearden 280
62. iching 1336
63. iivo1 105
64. immer 2726
65. infamouswhiteknight 276
66. innchanted 272
67. itch 293
68. jaredthebold 62
69. jennybun 103
70. joyeuse 1648
71. kalinana 85
72. kamran88 91
73. kaputafj 140
74. karolinka 71
75. kasia 95
76. keysersoze 190
77. khpy1azn 1341
78. kisroka01 722
79. klataplecybarki 361
80. kmart 1423
81. ladou 345
82. lakhu 79
83. leann 220
84. lezgurl 140
Player Games
85. lisatuohi 1327
86. littlerabbit 1554
87. lllenale 67
88. lucvantorre 99
89. lysis 455
90. mamienicole 120
91. mari93 70
92. markb 683
93. martcma123 127
94. mentalblock 601
95. michael24 85
96. mike703 439
97. mikeyosuke 395
98. milo 1544
99. miritxito 699
100. monkey13 62
101. moodles 1081
102. mrdan4 61
103. mugi 60
104. nappula 69
105. newengland021 151
106. nicobow 254
107. nidecka 88
108. norocgogule 2381
109. noroctim 383
110. obligehim 2806
111. oppie 145
112. overture01 71
Player Games
113. paf 209
114. panos 871
115. patapum 149
116. pekannia 186
117. pent 1252
118. pentti79 188
119. penuter 105
120. petau 394
121. philippe 248
122. pinpounette 1326
123. pitcairn1987 84
124. rafconso 178
125. reddragon 106
126. reza 107
127. robertk 424
128. rocket363 60
129. rogerlouks41 255
130. ruspartizanen 155
131. saroumane 90
132. scot 1564
133. seanseanseanseansean 141
134. sered28 67
135. sergeya 88
136. shadows 226
137. shalun 66
138. sheriff 508
139. sir 284
140. sonik 101
Player Games
141. soybean 354
142. spamer 1033
143. string 1123
144. sugar005 100
145. sugus 118
146. surin 73
147. teta 229
148. theinvisibleman 176
149. theloser 339
150. tigertew 321
151. timy 525
152. toby 1704
153. tomasu 88
154. torio 64
155. tornedo1020 172
156. tundra 372
157. vita 1562
158. warmar 139
159. wiganlatics 422
160. willblocku 102
161. woodsy 659
162. world 84
163. wreck 425
164. zefir 561
165. zotti 327
166. zvonko 735

Updated Fri Jul 24 00:39:31 2020 UTC


38579 Games Played in the Year 2013
By GamesBy Player Names
Player Games
1. immer 4790
2. obligehim 2617
3. gsw 2052
4. littlerabbit 1936
5. vita 1765
6. norocgogule 1705
7. itch 1593
8. pent 1575
9. timy 1569
10. arne 1488
11. ccc33 1380
12. kmart 1293
13. goger 1277
14. toby 1221
15. spamer 1176
16. eaglemedicine 1129
17. theloser 1113
18. kisroka01 1108
19. fernandnaudin 1101
20. lisatuohi 1071
21. infamouswhiteknight 911
22. celaine 823
23. fhayate 791
24. mentalblock 782
25. woodsy 740
Player Games
26. zvonko 737
27. bonsai 724
28. chytrolina 690
29. grisudrache 687
30. tastenc 650
31. froschi 637
32. mikeyosuke 631
33. twister 583
34. blokusmania 579
35. lucvantorre 574
36. doopliss 559
37. iching 545
38. uithumbiz 539
39. enigma 532
40. ellakai 490
41. theinvisibleman 481
42. philippe 474
43. greenster 444
44. bears34 429
45. petau 422
46. dolphinjcn 416
47. knokkers 414
48. fredix 404
49. golden 394
50. wiganlatics 383
Player Games
51. zefir 375
52. rogerlouks41 364
53. guiduf 357
54. patapum 353
55. espetos 350
56. donoteventry 347
57. reddragon 342
58. panos 336
59. markb 327
60. pentti79 320
61. zotti 316
62. wroom 307
63. string 307
64. moodles 306
65. miritxito 305
66. turko66 298
67. pinpounette 274
68. katherinesan 269
69. world 250
70. saroumane 236
71. warmar 233
72. innchanted 233
73. lysis 231
74. estoescaiy 231
75. nidecka 224
Player Games
76. mike703 222
77. cree 212
78. laurent 210
79. kuuk 203
80. ahlan 200
81. durrad 197
82. appasionato 191
83. friendofyours 188
84. dries 183
85. bobbybob 181
86. oldfield 180
87. grullo 174
88. ruspartizanen 172
89. franxa 170
90. sausagetoes 164
91. ouibjamn 159
92. maufils 158
93. blokpirate 156
94. alibaba1 152
95. grahamsenior68 151
96. noody18 148
97. stevestorm78 142
98. who 141
99. gubbins 140
100. ekg 140
Player Games
101. ckc 137
102. edalcan 136
103. rubik87 135
104. sergeidave 132
105. winfieldwarren1 131
106. boo 130
107. googlellama 126
108. osidenick 120
109. martj 120
110. marek 113
111. gotice 113
112. alberto 108
113. casa 107
114. bokuman 106
115. sundog1120 105
116. toutatis 103
117. giorlando14 100
118. mattmoss 100
119. darkmaren 99
120. queenb 98
121. ghosty 97
122. craigaltonw 96
123. reuben 96
124. proms 96
125. btam 94
Player Games
126. yuan 93
127. moulinette 93
128. william 88
129. kamran88 83
130. washingtonirving 80
131. neumandre 80
132. milo 79
133. kingofblokus 77
134. tryed 77
135. brety15 75
136. stephen 74
137. stanley 73
138. brettster 73
139. sheriff 72
140. apearl 71
141. unyssmk 66
142. gerenuk 65
143. sugarloaf 65
144. caniplay 64
145. chantome 64
146. carpeta 61
147. sea 60
148. rasoolmodarres 60
Player Games
1. ahlan 200
2. alberto 108
3. alibaba1 152
4. apearl 71
5. appasionato 191
6. arne 1488
7. bears34 429
8. blokpirate 156
9. blokusmania 579
10. bobbybob 181
11. bokuman 106
12. bonsai 724
13. boo 130
14. brettster 73
15. brety15 75
16. btam 94
17. caniplay 64
18. carpeta 61
19. casa 107
20. ccc33 1380
21. celaine 823
22. chantome 64
23. chytrolina 690
24. ckc 137
25. craigaltonw 96
Player Games
26. cree 212
27. darkmaren 99
28. dolphinjcn 416
29. donoteventry 347
30. doopliss 559
31. dries 183
32. durrad 197
33. eaglemedicine 1129
34. edalcan 136
35. ekg 140
36. ellakai 490
37. enigma 532
38. espetos 350
39. estoescaiy 231
40. fernandnaudin 1101
41. fhayate 791
42. franxa 170
43. fredix 404
44. friendofyours 188
45. froschi 637
46. gerenuk 65
47. ghosty 97
48. giorlando14 100
49. goger 1277
50. golden 394
Player Games
51. googlellama 126
52. gotice 113
53. grahamsenior68 151
54. greenster 444
55. grisudrache 687
56. grullo 174
57. gsw 2052
58. gubbins 140
59. guiduf 357
60. iching 545
61. immer 4790
62. infamouswhiteknight 911
63. innchanted 233
64. itch 1593
65. kamran88 83
66. katherinesan 269
67. kingofblokus 77
68. kisroka01 1108
69. kmart 1293
70. knokkers 414
71. kuuk 203
72. laurent 210
73. lisatuohi 1071
74. littlerabbit 1936
75. lucvantorre 574
Player Games
76. lysis 231
77. marek 113
78. markb 327
79. martj 120
80. mattmoss 100
81. maufils 158
82. mentalblock 782
83. mike703 222
84. mikeyosuke 631
85. milo 79
86. miritxito 305
87. moodles 306
88. moulinette 93
89. neumandre 80
90. nidecka 224
91. noody18 148
92. norocgogule 1705
93. obligehim 2617
94. oldfield 180
95. osidenick 120
96. ouibjamn 159
97. panos 336
98. patapum 353
99. pent 1575
100. pentti79 320
Player Games
101. petau 422
102. philippe 474
103. pinpounette 274
104. proms 96
105. queenb 98
106. rasoolmodarres 60
107. reddragon 342
108. reuben 96
109. rogerlouks41 364
110. rubik87 135
111. ruspartizanen 172
112. saroumane 236
113. sausagetoes 164
114. sea 60
115. sergeidave 132
116. sheriff 72
117. spamer 1176
118. stanley 73
119. stephen 74
120. stevestorm78 142
121. string 307
122. sugarloaf 65
123. sundog1120 105
124. tastenc 650
125. theinvisibleman 481
Player Games
126. theloser 1113
127. timy 1569
128. toby 1221
129. toutatis 103
130. tryed 77
131. turko66 298
132. twister 583
133. uithumbiz 539
134. unyssmk 66
135. vita 1765
136. warmar 233
137. washingtonirving 80
138. who 141
139. wiganlatics 383
140. william 88
141. winfieldwarren1 131
142. woodsy 740
143. world 250
144. wroom 307
145. yuan 93
146. zefir 375
147. zotti 316
148. zvonko 737

Updated Fri Jul 24 00:39:32 2020 UTC
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